Unlock the secrets and benefits of taking chlorella and spirulina together in this post! Each of these super greens complements and supports the other through their powerful nutrient synergy!

What is Chlorella?
Chlorella is a type of green algae that grows in fresh water. It is a close cousin to the salt-water based spirulina.
Chlorella is very nutrient-dense! It is a naturally bioavailable source of iron, zinc and genuine Vitamin B12 (chlorella is the only type of alga with a verified Vitamin B12 content).
It also contains biotin, which is a main nutrients for long thick hair and strong nails.
Chlorella has several benefits including promoting good gut bacteria, improving digestion, fighting bloat, regulating bowel movements, boosting immunity and more!
Another major benefit of chlorella is it’s detoxifying qualities. It helps cleanse toxins from the body effectively.
Where to Get Pure Chlorella Powder
I recommend purchasing and using USDA organic chlorella powder, more than the tablets because the powder is raw and without additives, if you get it from a pure source. Tablets contains additive and other ingredients that you won’t know about. Also, powder form is quickly absorbed by the body efficiently for detox, gut health, hair growth and more!
Nutricost Organic Chlorella Powder 16oz (1LB) – 3g Per Serving
What is Spirulina?
Referred to as the ‘superfood of the sea’, spirulina is a blue-green algae that is a powerhouse of nutrients. It is a complete protein, containing all the essential amino acids you need – equivalent to eggs!
It also contains antioxidants, B-vitamins including B1, B2 and B3, chlorophyll, enzymes, iodine, iron, magnesium, phytonutrients and potassium, among others.
Some of the benefits of spirulina include building muscle tissue, balancing blood sugar levels, supports weight management, boosts the immune system, detoxifies the body by binding to toxins, balancing gut bacteria, lowering blood pressure, increasing energy, reducing inflammation and more!
Where to Get Spirulina Powder
Instead of spirulina tablets or capsules, please buy pure USDA organic spirulina powder. The tablets may be easier to swallow but you just can’t know what other ingredients are added to them. Another thing is that the powdered form of spirulina is much easily and efficiently absorbed into the body for immediate results, as compared to the tablet.
Is Taking Chlorella and Spirulina Together Safe?
Yes! Taking chlorella and spirulina together is totally safe!
These two super greens are pure, wholesome foods that have been used as a food source by ancient communities since long ago. Spirulina was a staple of the Aztecs and Mesoamericans. In the Far East, chlorella has been used as an alternative medicine since the ancient times.
They are safe and suitable for everyone.
Taking chlorella and spirulina together is a powerful and optimal way of combining and enhancing the benefits of these two superfoods through the synergy of their nutrients and actions.
Chlorella and spirulina together helps work on the same health issue but from different angles, which is perfect for improving your health and vitality!
Differences Between Chlorella and Spirulina
There are a few differences between chlorella and spirulina which are listed below:
- Chlorella and spirulina belong to different plant kingdoms! Chlorella is a green algae while spirulina are cyanobacteria, part of the plant kingdom, Protista. Both plant kingdoms have existed for many years, producing oxygen and acting as a food source for numerous organisms.
- Chlorella is more detoxifying than spirulina!
- Chlorella contains more iron per serving!
- Chlorella has a higher percentage of its fat calories from omega 3 fatty acids!
- Chlorella contains significant amounts of Vitamin B12 per serving, whereas spirulina only contains trace amounts of a form of Vitamin B12 that is ineffective in humans.
- Chlorella is best for detoxification and balancing the gut flora for a healthy digestive system while spirulina is best for weight loss, immune support and brain fog, while being a top source of complete protein and iron.
- Spirulina is richer in protein and potassium than chlorella!
20 Benefits of Taking Chlorella and Spirulina Together
1. Extremely Nutrient-Dense
Both chlorella and spirulina contain a boatload of nutrients, including antioxidants, calcium, chlorophyll, copper, Vitamin A, B-vitamins, Vitamin C, Vitamin D, Vitamin K, folic acid, inositol, iron, iodine, magnesium, niacin, potassium, protein, zinc, omega 3 fatty acids and zinc, among others (source 1, source 2). They are also good sources of fiber!
Chlorella is higher in iron, magnesium, omega 3 fatty acids, riboflavin, Vitamin A and zinc while spirulina contains more protein and potassium.
Additionally, spirulina is a complete protein, it has 18 of the 22 amino acids that the body needs!
All these nutrients are essential for the proper functioning of cells and various body organs.
Both chlorella and spirulina are among the most highly nutritious foods available to man.
2. Powerful Detoxifier
Did you know that one of the best benefits of taking chlorella and spirulina together is that they help support your body’s detoxification of toxins, dioxins, pesticides, heavy metals and BPAs? You will experience much-needed and powerful body detoxification.
Chlorella and spirulina are known for supporting the body’s detoxification organs such as the liver, kidneys, gut and skin.
These two superfoods bind to a variety of toxins and heavy metals such as aluminium, arsenic, lead and mercury and safely eliminating them from the body.
Chlorella, in particular, is one of the most studied foods for detoxification, research shows.
Research also shows that chlorella helps removes toxins such as BPA from plastics, alcohol and other sources, heat-generated carcinogens formed by certain cooking methods on food like meat, dioxins (very common environmental toxins that we are exposed to through air and water), pesticides from food and other sources, and heavy metals such as mercury and lead in water and non-organic food.
3. Balances Gut Flora
Healthy levels of gut flora help protect the gut lining against inflammation and damage. A healthy gut lining supports efficient absorption of nutrients such as iron and more.
Good gut flora are also linked to strong immune system, meaning less allergies, a healthy digestive system meaning management of digestive issues such as leaky gut and IBS, good urinary tract and vaginal health, meaning less UTI’s, BV (Bacterial Vaginosis) and yeast infections.
Research shows that chlorella and spirulina both help balance gut bacteria, which helps us digest and absorb nutrients from our food (source 1, source 2)
4. Promotes Long & Thick Hair
One of the major causes of hair loss or stunted hair growth is nutritional deficiencies in key nutrients such as iron, zinc and Vitamin B12.
The good news is chlorella and spirulina are good sources of these hair growth-boosting nutrients!
Chlorella is a naturally bioavailable source of iron and zinc and Vitamin B12. Don’t forget that it also contains biotin, one of the most important nutrients for fast, long and thick hair growth.⠀⠀
Spirulina is another effective and rich source of iron as well as a natural source of zinc, lysine and amino acids cystine and cysteine, which are all necessary hair growth nutrients.
Hair is predominantly made up of the protein keratin, and as we know by now, spirulina is the protein-dense food that helps get your protein levels in check for super-fast and thick hair growth!
The nutrients from chlorella and spirulina are so well absorbed that you will notice hair growing much quicker than normal!
5. Helps with Iron Deficiency
Iron deficiency is one of the leading nutrient deficiencies in the world.
A very necessary mineral, iron is crucial for delivering oxygen and nutrients to our body organs.
Both spirulina and chlorella are bioavailable sources of iron, as well as a variety of B Vitamins including B12 and folate, necessary for blood building. These nutrients are easily absorbed and have no side effects, when compared with iron supplements manufactured in a lab.
According to this study conducted in 40 older people with a history of anemia, spirulina supplements increased the hemoglobin content of red blood cells and improved immune function.
This study shows that chlorella has substantial amounts of iron which prevents anemia and hypertension.
6. Increases Energy
Many people report increased energy and endurance levels after consuming chlorella and spirulina individually. Eating the two together enhances synergy action, making you feel more alert, active and energized than ever!
In a certain study, a group of young adults were given 6 grams of chlorella or a placebo daily for four weeks. Results showed that the chlorella group had improved endurance by demonstrating a significantly improved ability to saturate their lungs with oxygen. The placebo group showed no such results in endurance.
This may be due to chlorella’s branched-chain amino acid content, which is a collection of three amino acids that have been found to improve aerobic performance in various studies (source)
Spirulina, on the other hand, contains constituents such as the polysaccharides (Rhamnose and Glycogen) and essential fat (GLA) which are absorbed easily by human cells and help in energy release. (source)
It also increases healthy gut bacteria, lactobacillus, in the intestine which enables the production of Vitamin B6 that also helps in energy release.
7. Has Anti-Cancer Properties
Research shows that spirulina may have anti-cancer properties. Consuming spirulina increases production of infection-fighting substances or cytokines, in immune system cells, which form a frontline of defense against viruses and cancer cells (source).
Spirulina also reduces myelosuppression and improves immune function after chemotherapy in patients with malignant tumors (source).
Chlorella has also been shown to have strong anti-cancer properties (source 1, source 2).
This green algae may also help people with certain tumors & cancers better tolerate chemotherapy and radiation. It also helps with hair regrowth after cancer chemo treatments.
Now taking chlorella and spirulina together gives the body double the anti-cancer defense! Combining the two superfoods boasts potent anti-cancer effects that help prevent and reduce malignant tumors, induce cancer cell apoptosis and fight cancer recurrence.
8. Supports Weight Loss
If you’re looking to trim down unwanted fat, taking both chlorella and spirulina together can help!
According to 2020 research, spirulina has several benefits for improving weight loss, dyslipidaemia and obesity. It reduces macrophage infiltration into visceral fat, prevents hepatic fat accumulation, reduces oxidative stress and improves insulin sensitivity and satiety by reducing appetite.
Spirulina is helps prevent over-eating thanks to its high protein content of 70% which keeps you full.
Chlorella is also good for weight loss! This study confirmed that chlorella intake in subjects with high-risk factors for lifestyle-related diseases resulted in noticeable reductions in body fat percentage, serum total cholesterol, and fasting blood glucose levels.
For weight loss, taking chlorella and spirulina first thing in morning or half an hour before meals can do wonders!
Other benefits of taking chlorella and spirulina together for weight loss in particular, include eliminating toxins and wastes that make it hard to get rid of unwanted fat, reducing cellulite because of their rich chlorophyll content that improves collagen production, breaking down and flushing old fat cells and also fighting bloat and belly fat.
9. Boosts Immunity
Many studies have documented the powerful effects of using chlorella and spirulina to support the immune system.
In this 2011 study, men produces more antibodies when taking chlorella than when they took a placebo. Antibodies help fight foreign invaders in the body such as bacteria, viruses and other microbes that cause disease.
Spirulina contain an antioxidant known as phycocyanin that fights off anything that could cause injury and malfunction of body cells.
This study published in the International Journal of Noncommunicable Diseases shows that spirulina possesses immunostimulatory and immunomodulatory effects that helps boost the immune response to RNA viral infections including influenza and coronavirus. as well as other viruses such as herpes simplex and HIV.
It also documented that spirulina benefits against the herpes simplex virus by blocking it through its protective properties and compounds.
According to this 2015 study, HIV patients who took spirulina had significantly increases CD4 count cells, a measure of the immune system’s health.
10. Enhances Brain Function
One of the benefits of taking chlorella and spirulina together is enhanced brain function and support.
Research shows that spirulina with its rich nutrient and phytocomplex source, can support normal brain functions and the development of the nervous system.
According to this 2009 study, chlorella is also good for brain health. The study showed that prolonged consumption of chlorella has the potential to prevent the progression of cognitive impairment.
Taking these two super greens helps clear brain fog, which is a feeling of mental sluggishness and not being able to focus.
Brain fog can be caused by many factors, including B-vitamin deficiency. B-vitamins are important for a well-functioning brain, nervous system and psychological function as well.
B-vitamin deficiency can lead to brain fog, poor memory and reduced cognitive function.
Spirulina and chlorella are a natural source of B-vitamins including B1, B2, B3, B6 and B12.
Iron deficiency also leads to fatigue and brain fog. Spirulina and chlorella are good sources of bioavailable iron, without the side effects that iron supplements come with like constipation!
Other Benefits of Taking Chlorella and Spirulina Together
11. Prevents pre-mature graying of hair
12. Clears skin & fights acne
13. Balances blood sugar
14. May reduce blood pressure
15. Lowers bad LDL cholesterol and raises good HDL cholesterol levels
16. Promotes eye health
17. Relieves PMS
18. Boosts mood, reduces anxiety and fights depression
19. Helps manage respiratory diseases such as asthma
20. Builds muscle mass and repairs muscle tissue
How Much Spirulina and Chlorella Should I Take?
You can take 1-2 servings of spirulina and chlorella daily.
1 serving is the same as 1 teaspoon.
Start with ¼ tsp each then you can work your way up. Remember, the key is consistency.
Take it daily, whether it’s ¼ tsp of each or 1 tsp of each, for best results.
My Powerful Morning Detox Drink Recipe

I like to take this detox drink every single day in the morning on an empty stomach. You can also drink it after a night out or after eating junk food, to detox and recuperate.
What you Need
- ¼ – 1 tsp chlorella powder (where to get it)
- ¼ – 1 tsp spirulina powder (where to get it)
- 2 tsp raw apple cider vinegar (where to get it)
- 2 tsp raw honey (where to get it)
- 2 oz filtered room temperature water
- 6 oz hot water
- In a mug, add chlorella and spirulina powders.
- Then add raw apple cider vinegar and raw honey.
- Next, pour 2 oz filtered room temperature and stir everything till well combined. This is important because mixing the powders with room temperature water first, helps prevent clumps.
- Now top off with 6 oz hot water, stir again and it’s ready!
- Sip up on an empty stomach 1 hour before breakfast and enjoy the detoxifying benefits!
My Powerful Morning Detox Drink Video Recipe
What is the Best Time to Take Chlorella and Spirulina?
There is no specific time recommended to take chlorella or spirulina, or both of them together. They can be taken at any time of the day. Just make sure to take them both regularly and consistently.
However, there are certain times to take these two superfoods together to optimize their benefits! Here are some of the best times to take spirulina and chlorella:
- On an empty stomach in the morning – This is my favorite way of taking chlorella and spirulina. Taking chlorella and spirulina together before breakfast on an empty stomach helps boost digestion and balance gut flora. Balancing gut flora helps fight candida and allergies. Taking these two green superfoods early in the morning also helps with clearing wastes in the intestines, cell recovery, regeneration of skin cells and longer and thicker hair growth!
- Half an hour before meals – You can take chlorella and spirulina together about half an hour before meals for optimum digestion. Ideally, you’d take it before breakfast. This enhances digestion, balances gut flora and boosts metabolism. Do not take it with caffeine such as coffee or tea because caffeine inhibits iron absorption.
- Before bed – In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), 1-3 am is the time your liver works most efficiently. It is considered the prime time of the liver. If you take chlorella and spirulina before bed, it helps support liver detox as well as the function of other detoxification organs such as the kidneys.
Contraindications of Taking Chlorella and Spirulina Together
- People with hemochromatosis (an excess of iron) should not take chlorella and spirulina because they contain bioabsorbable iron.
- If you are taking anticoagulants, consult your doctor before taking chlorella and spirulina. This is because chlorella contains Vitamin K which assists in coagulation.
- Take chlorella and spirulina at least one hour before or after other medications such as birth control pills.
Side Effects of Taking Chlorella and Spirulina Together
Side effects of taking chlorella and spirulina together are rare.
However, after the first dose, due to the beginning of the detoxification process which tries to pull out the heavy metals and toxins stuck in the body, you may experience certain discomforts which include headache and nausea.
Vomiting, joint pain and dizziness may also occur but are very rare.
Take Care
If you are suffering from any serious or chronic health conditions, please consult your doctor before taking chlorella and spirulina together.
You have reached the end of this article, ’20 Powerful Benefits of Taking Chlorella and Spirulina Together.’ Thank you for reading. Stay healthy and safe!
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