Have you tried herbal remedies for endometriosis? Not yet? Then please take a look at 10 helpful herbs for endometriosis to help manage symptoms a whole lot better and naturally.
Endometriosis is an estrogen-dependent gynecological condition where endometrial tissue grows abnormally outside the uterus. It most commonly grows on the ovaries and causes symptoms such as pelvic pain, pain during intercourse, painful periods and infertility.
Anecdotal evidences and a few studies have shown that herbal extracts can be useful as an alternative and complementary treatment for endometriosis symptoms.
However, please ensure to consult your doctor before taking herbs for endometriosis especially if you are already on conventional treatment.
List of 10 Herbs for Endometriosis

1. Vitex
Also known as chasteberry, vitex is one of the top 10 herbs for endometriosis. It is well-known for its beneficial effects on female health.
Vitex balances female hormones: estrogen and progesterone which is important because endometriosis is an estrogen dominant disease.
Taking Vitex supplements helps balance the ratio of estrogen and progesterone helping alleviate endometriosis symptoms.
It also reduces uterine pain and inflammation.
2. Cat’s Claw
According to this study, cat’s claw extract appears to be a promising alternative to treating endometriosis.
This powerful herb is named after its hook-like claws that resemble a cat’s claws. Its scientific name is uncaria totenmosa.
What makes cat’s claw helpful for endometriosis is its strong anti-inflammatory properties that reduce the endometrial inflammation and pain during menstruation.
3. Dandelion Root
It’s not just a weed – dandelion can work wonders for endometriosis as well. The roots in particular are used in Chinese medicine for their medicinal properties.
It is useful for reducing symptoms of endometriosis and promoting fertility.
Dandelion root also detoxifies the liver, which helps it break down and get rid of excess estrogen from the body.
4. Turmeric
What can’t this herb do? Turmeric is a potent herb that can be taken daily to manage pain and inflammation in the body.
Its main ingredient curcumin has been shown to suppress estradiol, a type of estrogen. This helps slow the growth of endometrial cells.
5. Dong Quai
Another herb used widely in Chinese medicine, dong quai is also helpful for managing endometriosis. It balances female hormones, regulates the menstrual cycle and helps fight pain.
It must not be taken during menstruation but the weeks prior and after your period. That’s because it may make period flow heavy when taken during menstruation.
6. Ginger
Warm and invigorating, ginger is an herb that is a natural anti-inflammatory and pain killer. It has a great effect on calming down menstrual cramps.
It is best taken as a soothing tea: in a pot of boiling water, add 1 teaspoon of fresh ginger. Let it steep for 10 minutes then strain into a mug and add 1 teaspoon of honey or maple syrup. Sip away for soothing relief from PMS and cramps.
You can also get yourself ginger capsules or ginger teabags.
7. Chamomile
Chamomile is a calming herb that helps ladies with endometriosis. It has antispasmodic properties that help relieve muscle cramps, which is useful for soothing painful menstrual cramps.
This study showed that a compound in chamomile called chrysin killed endometrial cells.
Like ginger, taking chamomile in tea form is the best. Steep one chamomile teabag in a mug of boiling water for 5-10 minutes. Add sweetener if you like. Enjoy your calming chamomile tea. It is best taken at sleep time to help you through the night.
8. Peppermint
If you’re susceptible to pain, you need peppermint in your daily life. The main ingredient in peppermint is menthol which helps numb pain.
This study showed that taking peppermint extract helped reduce dysmenorrhea symptoms such as painful menstrual cramps. It also helps a lot in lessening nausea and diarrhea.
Peppermint can be used externally in form of peppermint essential oil or internally, as peppermint tea.
To use peppermint essential oil, mix 3-6 drops in a teaspoon of coconut oil then rub onto your abdomen in a circular direction. This may provide numbing relief for cramps.
9. Red Raspberry Leaf
Red raspberry leaf is an herb used since ancient times by midwives to relieve uterine pain, shorten labor and also increase fertility.
Drinking red raspberry leaf tea helps reduce PMS symptoms, menstrual cramps and heavy flow.
10. Lavender
Last but not least in this list of herbs for endometriosis is lavender. Just like chamomile, lavender is a soothing herb that encourages relaxation.
This study shows that an aromatherapy massage using diluted lavender essential oil greatly reduced painful menstruation.
You can massage about 3-6 drops of lavender essential oil mixed with one teaspoon of coconut oil or olive oil onto your pelvic area to experience a pain-relieving effect.
Lavender can also be taken as a relaxing warm cup of tea to reduce inflammation, pain and discomfort. You can get lavender teabags here.
What do you think? Are you ready to use any of these herbs for endometriosis? Are there any other herbs you have used that have helped? Please share below!
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