Having a yeast infection is not easy. Many people suffer from these kinds of infections from time to time. If you’re having one right now, I’m sorry! But I do have some tips I can share with you – here’s a list of foods to avoid with a yeast infection. Steer clear of these foods to fight yeast and bring your body back to normal!
Yeast or candida, naturally exists in our bodies without causing any problems. However, an overgrowth of the fungus Candida albicans causes a condition known as candidiasis, also known as a yeast infection.
The areas commonly affected by yeast infections include the mouth, intestines, genital area, urinary tract and skin folds.
Know the list of foods to avoid with a yeast infection so as to enhance your body’s abilities to control and fight it off!
7 Foods to Avoid with a Yeast Infection

1. Foods with Yeast
It’s a no brainer – when you have yeast, you want to make sure you don’t eat any foods that contain yeast in them. Eating foods with yeast will just lead to yeast overgrowth.
Foods that contain yeast include bread, pizza dough, doughnuts, pretzels, bagels, pastries, rolls and white vinegar.
2. Alcohol
Alcohol is one of the foods to avoid with a yeast infection. Beer and wine contain both yeast and sugar since they are drinks containing sugar fermented by yeast.
Excessive drinking is just going to make your yeast infection worse so stay away from it, at least until your yeast infection completely clears out.
3. White Bread
Most of us eat white bread every day and there’s nothing wrong with having a sandwich for lunch. But when you have a yeast infection, it’s better to turn to other options such whole wheat wraps.
White bread not only contains yeast but it also has refined white sugar and saturated fats, which may increase the inflammatory response produced by your body. This can further the yeast infection.
4. Sodas & Fruit Juices
Sugary drinks are a no-no when it comes to yeast infections. They contain a ton of refined white sugar which is only going to aggravate your yeast infection.
As you may know, sugar is a food source for yeast. So consuming sodas, fruit juices and other soft drinks is only going to feed the yeast making it grow out of proportion and make it hard for you to get rid of completely.
Stick to drinking a lot of water. If you want to take a fruit juice, making it fresh from home without adding sugar in it.
5. Refined White Sugar
As we saw above, refined white sugar is a source of food for yeast. For yeast to develop and grow out of control, it needs to have something to fuel it and sugar is what it likes.
Most processed foods including pastries, bread, pasta, condiments and candy contain a lot of sugar.
Cut back on foods containing refined white sugar and stick to healthy sweeteners to sweeten your foods. These include agave syrup, raw honey and maple syrup. Also, don’t go overboard with these natural sweeteners because they do contain sugar, albeit natural sugar.
6. Allergenic Foods
One of the foods to avoid with a yeast infection is allergenic foods. Foods that your body is sensitive to may worsen yeast infections. You could be allergic to gluten, soy, dairy, strawberries, tomatoes, peanuts, sea food or eggs.
Common symptoms you may have when you are allergic to certain foods include hives, itching, indigestion, face swelling, breathing difficulty, nasal congestion, nausea, stomach cramps and more.
Avoid foods that cause any of these allergic reaction symptoms. Foods such as these cause an inflammatory response that stresses your immune system and decreases immunity which is needed to fight off the yeast infection.
7. Saturated Fats
Last but not least on this list of foods to avoid with a yeast infection is foods containing saturated fats.
These foods may increase the inflammatory response produced by your body, which decreases your immune system response to the yeast infection. Foods containing saturated fats include factory processed high-fat dairy products like butter and processed meats such as sausages.
Instead, consume healthy fats such as olive oil, grass-fed butter, avocado and more. Also eat foods with omega 3 fatty acids such as fish and nuts because omega 3 actually reduces inflammation and allows your immune system to focus on getting rid of the yeast infection.
Other Foods to Avoid with a Yeast Infection
- High carbohydrate vegetables such as potatoes, peas and squash
- Cheese
I hope you follow this list of foods to avoid with a yeast infection and it helps you keep away from bad food choices. Here’s to a quick recovery!
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