Fruits are rich sources of antioxidant and anti-inflammatory nutrients that are much-needed in an ovarian cyst diet. This article lists the top most fruits for ovarian cysts.
Ovarian cysts are common and even normal in women of child-bearing age. They are formed during ovulation and usually dissolve naturally during each menstrual cycle.
However, the problem comes in when sometimes ovarian cysts fail to dissolve, can grow large and cause symptoms such as lower abdominal pain, abnormal bleeding, bloating and lower back pain, among others.
Still, doctors often choose to monitor the ovarian cyst(s) with little to no treatment to see if it reduces or dissolves. Nutrition can help greatly in helping dissolve ovarian cysts naturally. The idea here is to consume foods that are anti-inflammatory and help balance hormones, since these two factors are some of the main causes of ovarian cysts in the first place.
One of the most nutrient-filled foods on the planet is fruits. So, let’s take a look at the top fruits for ovarian cysts below:
Top Fruits to Eat for Ovarian Cysts

1. Pineapple
Who doesn’t like fresh sweet pineapple juice? Pineapple comes at the top of this list because it is incredibly anti-inflammatory and has pain-fighting compounds in it.
Bromelain is the active enzyme found in pineapple that can reduce the levels of prostaglandins in your body. Prostaglandins are responsible for inflammation and pain in the body. They trigger menstrual cramps and ovarian cyst pain.
Get into the habit of consuming pineapple juice – you just need a juicer and you can make your own pineapple juice to drink every day.
2. Avocado
Yes, avocado is actually a fruit, not a vegetable. And hey ho – it’s one of the best for ovarian cysts. This is because it is rich in magnesium can help maintain progesterone levels in the body.
Ovarian cysts are mainly caused by excess estrogen in the body. Estrogen and progesterone are the two main female hormones. In many estrogen-dominant disorders like ovarian cysts, the estrogen-progesterone ratio is screwed, with there being high levels of estrogen and low levels of progesterone.
Avocados also have a healthy level of good fats in them which reduce inflammation in the body.
3. Apple
Love crunching on shiny red apples? Then good news because apples are good fruits to eat when you have ovarian cysts. Why? Because apples are loaded with soluble fiber which helps eliminate excess estrogen – one of the causes of ovarian cysts.
Let me explain how this works –
The hormones in our body are cholesterol-based, which makes the body expel any excess hormones left over, through the digestive system using bile produced from the liver.
In the gut, these hormones are bound to soluble fiber and excreted through bowel movements. So, increasing your fiber-intake may be useful for eliminating excess estrogen from the body.
An apple a day truly does keep the doctor away!
4. Pears
Just like apples, pears are also rich in soluble fiber that helps properly get rid of excess estrogen in the body.
Pears also contain a huge source of flavonoid antioxidants that help fight inflammation and free radicals that cause oxidation in the body.
Munch on pears to get that soluble fiber in your body! Make sure to also drink enough water to help the fiber move along, preventing bloating and constipation.
5. Lemon
Refreshing, cleansing and energizing – lemon is great in any healing diet.
There’s a reason why it is recommended to be used in any detox drink. It’s because lemon helps flush out toxins in the body and it is also alkalizing which means it balances an acidic pH in the body.
Remember, an acidic body is a cause of many health issues including increased inflammation that can trigger ovarian cysts.
Lemon can be consumed as a wonderful alkalizing beverage in form of warm lemon water especially on an empty stomach in the morning.
6. Banana
Bananas are a fruit that simply can’t do any harm in almost every diet. They are rich in potassium and magnesium. Magnesium is good for supporting progesterone levels in the body as well as reducing menstrual cramps.
This humble fruit is also rich in fiber that helps detox excess estrogen and sweeps out other toxins stuck in the intestines.
More Fruits Good for Ovarian Cysts
- Apricot
- Berries
- Cherries
- Kiwi
- Papaya
- Peach
- Pomegranate
My mum 85 years old. They can do therapy or surgery. How can help shrink it natural because it is big. your advise will be highly appreciated thank you 🙏