Find a detoxifying grape juice cleanse recipe plus the benefits of the grape detox or ‘grape cure’ as it is more popularly known!

What is the Grape Cure?
The grape cure is a mono diet, consisting of grapes and water, taken as part of a regimen from 3 days to 3 weeks. Some grape diets also include other beverages such as herbal teas.
It is known to offer real purification, detoxification and elimination of metabolic wastes from the system.
The grape cure acts by stimulating excretory organs such as the intestines, kidneys, liver, lungs and skin, thereby facilitating detoxification.
Grapes are rich in fiber, vitamins, antioxidants and minerals.
They contain a key polyphenol called resveratrol that is hailed to be a potential miracle drug that protects against cancer, diabetes, bad cholesterol, blood clots & Alzheimer’s.
Polyphenols are amazing anti-agers, promoting wrinkle-free skin & robust health.
Grapes are rich in Vitamin C that boosts immunity, fights infections and allergies.
The fiber content in grapes helps regulate bowel movements and promote purging of toxins stuck in the intestines and bowel.
The grape cure being a mono diet is a part of the reason for its amazing benefits. Mono diets have long been recognized as one of the best natural therapies for resetting the body, as consuming the same food, usually a fresh produce, helps give the body a break from both internal and external elements.
Here is a breakdown of the benefits of the grape cure:
- Skim improvements including more youthful looking skin
- Better functioning digestive system
- Purging of toxins built up in the body
- Anti-cancer properties
- Lowering bad cholesterol
- Lowers high blood pressure
- Diminishing blood clots
- Preventing Alzheimer’s
- Lightening the body’s burden
- Less fatigue
- Better sleep
- Clearing of brain fog
- And more!
A Brief History of the Grape Cure
Referred to as the cure de jouvence, the grape cure originated in France, where it has been practiced since centuries ago.
Grape cures have been recommended by French medical practitioners since the 18th century.
A French professor called Desbois de Rochefort wrote in 1789, “After much feedback from practitioners including myself, it has been proven that grapes are the best detoxifiers for the spleen.”
In 1927, a French spa located in a small clubhouse called an uvarium had all grape detox plans, specially targeted to the overweight and obese population and those with gout, constipation, skin problems and liver/kidney disorders.
In 1990, an agricultural and farming French organization conducted a small study of 500 people and concluded that the grape cure is an effective way to rejuvenate and lighten the body.
The grape cure diet was said to be brought to the US in 1926 by Johanna Brandt, South African author of The Grape Cure. She claimed that grapes completely eradicated the terminal stomach cancer she has been diagnosed with.
Basil Shackleton, author of the book, ‘Grape Cure: A Living Testament,’ claimed he was cured by the grape diet. His story was that he had been ill for more than 40 years after catching bilharzia as a child. He had just one remaining functioning kidney which was unresponsive to drugs but improved immensely through the grape diet. You can read more about his journey with the grape cure in his book.
Grape Diet Procedure
The duration of the grape cure lasts from 3 days to 3 weeks. The following year, when a second cure is carried out, it can last one week. After that, in the following years, it can last up to 3 weeks, without exceeding this duration.
I recommend doing three days especially if you are used to carrying out cleanses and fasts.
If you’re a beginner/regular person who wishes to do a cleanse, try the grape juice cleanse drink taken on an empty stomach for three days.
During the grape diet, consume only grapes and water. Herbal teas are also allowed.
Up to 4 pounds of organic ripe grapes, of any kind (though red grapes are preferred as per the original French grape cure diets), can be consumed. Concord grapes can also be used. Both Concord & red grapes have a high levels of antioxidants, though the deeper color of the Concord variety indicates that it has a greater capacity to fight free radical damage.
Green grapes may be gentler on the stomach for those who find they are sensitive to red grapes.
Remember to wash the grapes thoroughly and chew them well for proper digestion and elimination.
Grape Juice Cleanse Recipe

Instead of carrying out the grape cure, you can try this grape juice cleanse recipe containing grapes, water, apple cider vinegar and honey.
Those with a sensitive stomach can reduce the amount of apple cider vinegar or skip it completely.
What you Need
- 2 bunches of grapes or about 15 oz of pure grape juice *no water added (where to get it)
- Filtered water – about 10 oz
- Honey – 1 tbsp (where to get it)
- Apple cider vinegar – 4 tbsp or 1/4 cup (where to get it)
- High quality juicer (where to get it)
- Into a high-quality juicer, add grapes without the stems.
- Collect the pure grape juice.
- Add filtered water, honey and apple cider vinegar.
- Mix well and store in glass bottles.
- Drink ½ to 1 cup of this grape juice cleanse every morning on an empty stomach. Wait at least 15 minutes before consuming breakfast. Continue for 3 days.
Take Care
When undergoing a grape detox, you may experience fatigue, nausea, dizziness, headaches and diarrhea, due to the toxins released into the blood stream from being purged.
The grape cure is not recommended for diabetics as grapes contain a lot of natural sugars. Pregnant women should not do this cleanse.
As always, consult your doctor before carrying out the grape cure, especially if you have any serious and/or chronic illnesses.
If you have a sensitive stomach, reduce the amount of apple cider vinegar in the grape juice cleanse recipe.
Are you interested in doing the grape cure? Or will you try this detoxifying grape juice cleanse recipe? Share your thoughts below!
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