Trying to conceive? Have you ever thought about drinking herbal teas to increase fertility? Many women have success stories increasing fertility and getting pregnant fast using herbal teas. We shall be discussing the top teas to drink to increase chances of a healthy pregnancy!

Herbs are magical when it comes to naturally healing many ailments. Since ancient times, for example in traditional Chinese medicine, people have been steeping special herbs in hot water to create ‘teas’ that contain medicinal properties.
There are particular herbs that have been known to help increase the chances of getting pregnant. These herbs are available in powder form, supplement form or in the form of herbal teas! You can actually make your own herbal teas for fertility by combining fertility herbs or, if you don’t have time like me, then simply purchase organic store-bought fertility teas!
What Makes Herbal Teas Effective for Fertility?
You might be wondering what makes herbal teas so special? How do they help boost your chances of getting pregnant? Well, here are a variety of reasons why:
- Contains Antioxidants –Antioxidants fight off free radicals that steal oxygen molecules from healthy cells that cause the cells to stop functioning properly. Herbal teas contain a boatload of powerful antioxidants that support good reproductive health.
- Increase Blood Circulation –Sluggish blood circulation is one of the major reasons for infertility. Herbal teas such as ginger, spearmint, and others stimulate blood circulation in the reproductive system which increases fertility. If you have blocked fallopian tubes or ovarian cysts, you need proper blood circulation to your reproductive system.
- Balances Hormones– Herbs such as chasteberry, dong quai and milk thistle have female hormone balancing properties, which help with estrogen dominance, PCOS and other hormone related issues that cause infertility.
- Reduce Inflammation– Inflammation is the root cause of disease and imbalance in the body, including infertility. Reducing inflammation in the uterus or overall reproductive system helps automatically improve chances of fertility.
- Strengthen the Uterus – A weak uterus increases the chances of miscarriage in the first trimester. Certain herbal teas such as red raspberry leaf strengthen the uterine lining which supports a full-term pregnancy.
Okay now that we have seen some of the reasons why herbal teas are good for fertility, you might want to know when exactly should you drink these teas? You might be knowing that some herbs are not suitable for pregnancy and breast feeding. So it’s good to know some key pointers such as:
- Drink herbal fertility teas from the first day of menstruation up to your ovulation date.
- It’s best to drink 1-3 cups throughout the day.
- Do not drink herbal teas when pregnancy is confirmed until you know it is safe for pregnancy.
- Consult your doctor before drinking herbal teas for fertility, especially if you are undergoing conventional fertility treatment to make sure these herbs don’t affect your prescription medicine.
5 Herbal Teas To Increase Fertility

1. Pink Stork Fertility Tea
Pink Stork fertility tea is personally one of the best herbal teas to increase fertility. It is very popular and effective for supporting female health and a healthy menstrual cycle thereby enhancing fertility.
It contains a mix of special fertility herbs: chasteberry, red raspberry leaf, ladies mantle, nettle, peppermint and passion flower. It also contains the natural sweetener, stevia.
It’s great for making iced tea with because of its minty taste. You can add a bit of honey to give it a fresher sweeter taste!
2. FertiliTea
Fertilitea is another amazing option when it comes to choosing the best herbal teas to increase fertility. It contains chasteberry, red raspberry leaf, green tea, lady’s mantle, and peppermint.
This organic fertility tea is great for balancing hormones and maintaining the production of progesterone which lengthens the luteal phase thereby increasing chances of pregnancy. It also provides a toning effect on the uterus, acts as a sexual stimulant, protects egg cells from damage by free radicals and has anti-inflammatory activity.
3. Cysterhood Fertility Herbal Tea
Do you suffer from PCOS and are trying to get pregnant? Then this fertility tea is for you! PCOS is one of the leading causes of infertility because of irregular menstruation, lack of ovulation and unbalanced reproductive hormones.
Cysterhood fertility tea contains cinnamon bark, lady’s mantle leaf, spearmint, red raspberry leaf, stinging nettle, lemon balm leaf, ginger root and alfalfa.
Drinking 2-3 cups of this special tea every day for 3 months will help cleanse your system, improve symptoms of PCOS, balance hormones, clear problematic skin, nourish your hair follicles, help with weight management and bloating, normalize your menstrual cycle while reducing menstrual cramps and enhance your mood!
4. Moontime Fertility Tea
It’s fascinating to know that the menstrual cycle is intimately connected with the moon’s gravitational pulse. Drinking moontime fertility tea aims to establish a soothing ritual of connecting with the natural cycles of the moon which influence the female body’s monthly menstrual periods.
Moontime fertility tea contains organic herbs of red raspberry, nettles, peppermint, and red clover. Each herb has distinct properties that all link to improve overall fertility. Peppermint strengthens sex drive, red clover alkalinizes and purifies the blood, red raspberry lead strengthens the uterus and regulates menstruation and finally, nettle leaf is a blood building herb that is rich in chlorophyll.
Steep one tea bag in one cup of boiling water for 3-7 minutes then sip your way to a healthy conception!
5. Gardens by Grace Fertility Tea
Last but not least in this list of herbal teas to increase fertility is the Gardens by Grace Fertility Herbal Tea. It contains all organic ingredients: Chaste Tree Berries, Dong Quai Root, Sage, Wild Yam Root, Schisandra Berries, Spearmint and Passionflower.
All of these ingredients promote healthy reproductive system and foster the development of a healthy pregnancy. The special ingredients it contains such as dong quai root, balances female hormones while schisandra berries also balance hormones, breakdown excess estrogen, improve PCOS symptoms and increase sexual function.
Drink 1-2 cups of this healing tea by steeping 1 tsp of the dried leaves in 8 oz of boiling water for 3-5 minutes. You can re-steep the leaves up to 3 times.
Taking a blend of fertility herbs in the form of a soothing tea is a great way to naturally boost your fertility! Are there any other herbal teas to increase fertility you have tried to increase chances of getting pregnant? Please share in the comments!

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