Find out how to increase serotonin with essential oils naturally in this post!

What is Serotonin?
Serotonin is a hormone that transmits nerve signals between nerve cells. It is naturally produced in the pineal gland, which is located deep in the center of the brain. Serotonin plays a key role in regulation of sleep, mood and cognitive function. A low level of serotonin in the synapse (space between nerve cells) is connected to depression and symptoms such as anxiety, apathy, fatigue, low self-worth and others.
There are several ways serotonin can be balanced to fight depression, anxiety, mood swings and more. Some of the most effective and natural ways to shoot up serotonin levels include working out regularly as well as eating foods rich in omega 3 fatty acids and Vitamin C. Please read this article: How to Increase Dopamine and Serotonin Naturally to find out more on how you can boost serotonin production.
You can also use essential oils to increase serotonin levels! Essential oils are concentrated oily substances derived from plant matter. They have aroma therapeutic properties that offer medicinal benefits when inhaled or applied on skin (mixed with a carrier substance as using them directly can be too potent on the skin and cause burning sensations). Below, let’s look at 5 effective essential oils that increase serotonin naturally.
5 Effective Essential Oils that Increase Serotonin
Below, let us look at 5 effective essential oils that increase serotonin naturally:

1. Lavender
The floral earthy scent of lavender oil has therapeutic properties of promoting peace, calmness and sleep. Its main constituent, linalool, which helps limit serotonin reuptake by binding to the serotonin transporter. Limiting serotonin reuptake helps keep serotonin levels in balance and regulates serotonin activity which creates soothing effects that encourage good sleep, feeling of happiness and healthy appetite.
If you suffer from anxiety attacks, place one drop of lavender on your hanky and keep it in your pocket or purse. Sniffing from this can help calm erratic emotions.
You can diffuse 6 drops of lavender essential oil in a high-quality diffuser for 15 minutes every night before bed.
2. Cedarwood
Cedarwood oil is just like lavender, when it comes to soothing the mind and promoting calmness. It has sedative properties that help induce sleep. Cedarwood is good for relieving tension in the mind and body.
Diffusing 3 drops of cedarwood oil and 3 drops of lavender oil in a cold-air diffuser 10 minutes before bed helps promote deep sleep.
3. Lemon
Lemon oil is fresh, fruity and uplifting. Different studies such as this one and this one show that lemon oil has strong anti-anxiety and anti-depressant effects. It boosts the production of both serotonin and dopamine, which are both ‘feel good’ hormones.
You can sniff lemon essential oil directly from the bottle to get energized and feel happier. Diffusing it for 6 minutes in a high-quality diffuser every day can also promote feelings of happiness.
4. Ylang Ylang
Extracted from the yellow ylang ylang flowers, ylang ylang oil has an exotic sweet scent that is used in perfume making. It also has sedative properties that calm frayed nerves and reduces stress and tension. Ylang ylang helps reduce erratic heartbeats, anxiety and high blood pressure by creating peace and calmness.
Apply a drop of ylang ylang oil on your collarbones, wrist or behind the ear (make sure your skin is not sensitive). You can also diffuse it or add a few drops to your bath oils.
5. Neroli
Neroli essential oil is extracted from the pretty white neroli (orange blossom) flowers. It has a floral plus citrus scent that has relaxing and calming effects. Neroli oil is especially helpful for reducing stress and anxiety caused by hormonal imbalances as shown by this study conducted on the effects of inhaling neroli oil on stress and estrogen in menopausal and post-menopausal women.
How to Use Essential Oils to Increase Serotonin
- Diffusing: Add 6 drops of any of the essential oils in a high-quality diffuser, together with the required amount of water as per the manufacturer’s instructions. Run the diffuser for about 15 minutes.
- Adding to a Bath: Mix 10-20 drops of any of the essential oils in 2 cups of bath salts/Epsom salts or 1 tbsp of a carrier oil like olive oil or 1 cup of whole milk. Add it to a running bath and mix with your hand. Soak for 10-15 minutes.
- Making a Spray: Combine 10-15 drops of one or two of the above essential oils, ½ tsp witch hazel and ½ cup of water. Pour it into a spray bottle and spritz around you.
- Apply it on Skin: For every tsp of product (like scentless lotion or cream or a carrier oil such as olive oil or coconut oil), mix 2-3 drops of any of the essential oils and rub it on your skin.
Also Read:
- 7 Happy Teas that Boost Serotonin
- Top 5 Nuts that Increase Dopamine and Serotonin
- How to Increase Dopamine and Serotonin Naturally – 7 Ways
- Best 7 Herbs to Increase Dopamine and Serotonin
- Top 10 Foods to Eat to Increase Serotonin in the Body
- Top 5 Supplements to Boost Serotonin Levels
- How to Increase Dopamine with Essential Oils
This was a great article, thank you.