Here are 3 easy tips on how to tell if brown rice has gone bad.
How to Tell If Brown Rice Has Gone Bad
Brown rice is the healthier alternative to white rice. Lately more and more people are starting to choose brown rice over white rice.
Not only is brown rice rich in fiber, but it is also brimming in nutrients and minerals that are vital for health.
But compared to white rice, brown rice actually has a much shorter shelf life. Brown rice also has a tendency to go bad faster than white rice. One reason for this is that insects and bacteria are attracted to the nutrients in it and come to consume it. Another reason is that all the good oils and nutrients in brown rice attract oxidation, which breaks down the rice faster.
5 Signs That Your Brown Rice Has Gone Bad
1. Smell
Any moldy, stale or rancid smells are a giveaway that your rice has gone bad.
2. Touch
Brown rice should be glossy and have a somewhat oily appearance. If it is powdery or dull, it could be past its prime.
3. Look
If your brown rice is teeming with beetles, worms or maggots, then its surely gone bad and is not suitable for consumption.
How to Keep Your Brown Rice Fresh
Here are some tips to keep your brown rice fresh:
- Store brown rice in an air tight container. Make sure there are no gaps where bugs can get through.
- Keep your rice completely dry and clear of water. Water will make your rice go bad rather fast.
- Your brown rice needs to be kept in a cool, dry place in your kitchen/pantry.
- Consume brown rice within 6 months.
- Buy small quantities of brown rice at a time, so that you only eat fresh grains.
Analisa Van Dyne says
I am very concerned about the brown rice I am purchasing, I stored it in the freezer, but still when I am ready to use it has lots of grains “injected” with black something, and when boiled this black come out and look like roach , pretty gross.
Useless says
What a useless fucking “article” – if your rice smells rancid or moldy, it’s gone off. If it’s teeming with bugs, don’t eat it.
Thanks Tips.