Did you know that one of the top causes of infertility in the world today is blocked fallopian tubes? In this article, we shall see how to unblock fallopian tubes naturally in 5 effective ways.
The fallopian tubes are a major part of the female reproductive system. They are narrow tubes that connect the ovaries to the uterus. During ovulation, an egg is released from one of the ovaries and travels through one of the fallopian tubes. Here, it meets a sperm and gets fertilized. The fertilized egg then travels into the uterus where it grows into a fetus.
However, if the fallopian tube has an obstruction due to some of the reasons we shall see below, then the egg is prevented from travelling down the tube. About 40% of infertility issues is caused by this very problem – blocked fallopian tubes and it is known as tubal factor infertility. It can happen in one or both of the tubes.
Causes of Blocked Fallopian Tubes
There are a number of causes of blocked fallopian tubes:
- Pelvic inflammatory disease – This is among the main causes of blocked fallopian tubes. If not treated immediately, it can cause severe inflammation and scarring in the tube(s) and cause an obstruction. PID is usually a result of a sexually transmitted disease that is not looked into immediately.
- Endometriosis
- Ectopic pregnancy
- Fibroids
- Tubal ligation removal
- C-sections
- Complications from lower abdominal surgery
How to Unblock Fallopian Tubes Naturally
Below are some of the most effective ways on how to unblock fallopian tubes naturally:
1. Pelvic Massage
A pelvic massage is a natural remedy for assisting in unblocking fallopian tubes. Massaging your pelvic region, just above the fallopian tubes and ovaries helps increase blood circulation in the area and break up scar tissue that may be causing blockage.
Massaging also helps reduce inflammation and help relax twisted or tensed tissue. Fertility massages with a trained therapist who specializes in abdominal massage can help you.
You can also try gently massaging your pelvic area yourself with gently fingers, going in a circular clockwise motion. It’s best to use an oil such as castor oil mixed with olive oil in a 1:2 ratio.
After massaging for 15 minutes, apply a damp washcloth then place a heating pad or hot water bottle on top.
2. Castor Oil Pack
Castor oil might be the cure-all when it comes to unwanted growth/tissue in the reproductive system. It has discutient properties that help remove unwanted tumors, growths and tissue from within the body. Castor oil can help breakdown scar tissue, growths, fibroids or polyps that are creating a blockage in the fallopian tubes. [Must Read: How to Unblock Fallopian Tubes using Castor Oil]
Make a castor oil pack by soaking a cotton or wool flannel in ¼ cup of castor oil. Now wring it out to remove excess oil then lie down and place the flannel on your pelvic area. Place a heating pad on top so heat can help the oil absorb deeper.
3. Healing Herbs
Herbs are one of the top ways on how to unblock fallopian tubes naturally. I recently talked about how to use herbs to open blocked fallopian tubes. Some of the herbs that help include echinacea, ginger, goldenseal, usnea, hawthorn, dong quai and more. [Read More: Top 9 Herbs for Blocked Fallopian Tubes]
These healing herbs help fight infection, bring down inflammation, promote circulation and balance hormones.
4. Improve Your Diet
Eating nutritious antioxidant-rich foods are key to helping unblocking fallopian tubes. We need to bring down inflammation and fight off free radicals in the body.
Consume more of green leafy vegetables, wild caught fresh fish, nuts & seeds as well as superfoods like chlorella, spirulina and berries.
Stay away from factory processed milk, meat & eggs, non-organic fruits & veggies, caffeine, soy, refined vegetable oils and excess sugar.
Also avoid smoking cigarettes and drinking alcohol, which are both very harmful for reproductive health. Alcohol increases inflammation in the body and smoking can lead to ectopic pregnancies that can cause scarring & blocked fallopian tubes.
5. De-Stress
This is no brainer – stress causes infertility. It also aggravates inflammation in the body which worsens blocked fallopian tubes.
Feeling stressed makes your body release hormones that counteract with the effects of progesterone, a chemical that promotes fertility.
Stress is inevitable in this day and age, but we can help by minimizing it. Do things that make you feel relaxed and free whether it’s walking your dog in the park or getting extra nap time.
Unfortunately, we can never have a stress-free life. We can, however, minimise the things that make us tense. A simple way is to cut out cigarettes and alcohol.
There have been many studies which link smoking to ectopic pregnancies, and alcohol to reduced libido, but these two vices could also be affecting your stress levels, potentially increasing any symptoms of blocked fallopian tubes you may be experiencing.
Gyakpo Tivrumun says
This is highly educative. I appreciate.