Learn how to use black seed oil to shrink fibroids as a natural alternative remedy that works.
What is Black Seed Oil?
Scientific name: Nigella sativa
Black seed oil, also called black cumin seed oil is an oil extracted from black seeds. Black seeds are known as ‘habbatul barakah’ in Arabic which means ‘the blessed seed.’ It is popularly used in Islamic Medicine. The Prophet Muhammad said it is a cure for everything except death.
What makes black seed oil so effective is its array of powerful antioxidants. An August 2000 “Phytotherapy Research” study confirmed the presence of chemicals in black cumin seeds which offer antioxidant benefits. The main active ingredient in black seed oil is the chemical thymoquinone.
Thymoquinone has strong anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and anticancer properties. Below, we shall see how black seed oil helps shrink fibroids:
How Does Black Seed Oil Help Shrink Fibroids?
Fibroids are benign tumors found on the uterus. Although most women experience no symptoms, fibroids can cause painful and heavy periods. They can also cause pain during sexual intercourse. Although the exact cause of fibroids is not clearly known, they are linked to hormonal imbalances, genetics and obesity.
Using black seed oil can help shrink fibroid because of the following reasons:
- Black seed oil contains powerful antitumor properties. This study shows how black seed oil has active anticancer and anti-tumor properties. It can help shrink and destroys cancerous cells, cysts, tumors and fibroids as well.
- It fights inflammation. Inflammation is the root of conditions such as endometriosis and uterine fibroids. The immune system’s response to overgrowth of uterine cells is inflammation. It causes pain and excessive vaginal bleeding. Black seed oil is known to fight inflammation in the body, when taken internally.
- Black seed oil contains phytoestrogens. Phytoestrogens are plant chemicals that mimic the hormone estrogen. Fibroids are dependent on estrogen and progesterone to grow. So phyteoestrogens help prevent native estrogens in the body from causing overgrowth of fibroids by occupying estrogen receptors.
How to Use Black Seed Oil to Shrink Fibroids
There are two major ways to use black seed oil to shrink fibroids. One is by consuming it and the other is by applying it on the body.
How to Apply Black Seed Oil to Shrink Fibroids
Apply black seed oil as a pack over the abdomen/uterine area. It is just like a castor oil pack, except this time we are using black seed oil instead of castor oil. Here’s how to do it:
- Step One: Onto a cotton/wool flannel, pour enough black seed oil so it soaks the material.
- Step Two: Now lie down on your back and place the flannel on your abdomen. Optional: Place a hot water bottle over the flannel so the heat helps the oil absorb deeper.
- Step Three: Rest for 45 minutes. Do this every day. You can also do this overnight but make sure to secure the flannel on your abdomen so it doesn’t move around while you sleep. Also throw an old towel over your bed so the sheets don’t get stained.
How to Take Black Seed Oil to Shrink Fibroids
There are a number of ways to take black seed oil to shrink fibroids. Here they are:
- Take 1 teaspoon of black seed oil, followed by a glass of fruit juice such as orange juice.
- Take 1 teaspoon of black seed oil with a glass of milk. You can take almond milk or any non-dairy milk, if you are avoiding dairy. The purpose of milk is that it helps coat your stomach so that the black seed oil will not irritate your stomach lining.
- Mix 1 teaspoon of black seed oil with 1 tsp of raw honey then consume.
Dosage of Black Seed Oil for Fibroids
Start with ½ tsp of black seed oil every day for one week, then increase it to 1 tsp every day.
Where to Get Black Seed Oil
Ensure to purchase 100% pure high quality black seed oil for ingestion and external application. If you’re looking for a trustable brand to purchase, I recommend Amazing Herbs Black Seed Oil.
I hope you have learned how to use black seed oil to shrink fibroids! Use this powerful medicinal oil to solve female problems such as uterine fibroids and cysts because it is very effective.
Important Fibroids Info You Must Read:
- 8 Powerful Supplements for Fibroid Reduction
- 7 Worst Foods to Avoid if you Have Fibroids
- 9 Foods to Eat to Get Rid of Fibroids Fast
- How to Naturally Shrink Fibroids in 7 Ways
- 7 Powerful Herbs to Shrink Your Fibroids
- 5 Healing Herbal Teas for Fibroids
Will the capsule version be just as effective in helping shrink fibroids? My gag reflex won’t like the swallowing the oil. Thank you!
Hello, Jamie
Yes BSO (black seed oil) capsules will be just as effective!
Are you sure that black seed oil works please
Are you sure it works please
Please where can I get it
How long do you take bso before seeing results with the fibroids?
1 week
Does it work for larger fibroids?
Yes it does!
When taking bso by mouth, will I see in a change in my menstrual? I have been taking for a week, I now have my menstrual no pain but the bleeding is thick and has clots.
The same thing with me thick and has clots.
Hi dear,
Clots are normal during menstruation, not to worry!
Blood clots are NOT normal during your period. Lots of women experience this because of an underlying issue. Periods are not supposed to be heavy or clot! Please research this. Also you suggested adding the black seed oil to “milk”. With research it has been stated that milk or any form of diary feeds fibroids.
Hello admin, small request pleas we answer crystal question as dairy products are not good to be taken while having fibroids…
Instead of dairy milk, take non-dairy milk such as almond, coconut or oat milk.
Every woman experiences clots in their period. It’s perfectly normal, Crystal. Clots are caused by anticoagulants which causes blood to congeal and clump up.
Besides, the uterine lining tissue, which many people see as clots, is also part of the waste expelled by the uterus during menstruation.
Hello dear,
I’m sorry for the late reply! Don’t be worried about thick flow & clots – this is normal during menstruation.
by what i have read for cleaning the uterus , when taking the proper herbs , teas , or supplements, those clots(muscle and tissue that forms on the wall of the uterus) are what you are cleaning your uterus from. it is until , you are free of them that you will bleed only blood. but when it is excessive , not only is it uncomfortable, but important to address the issue. wish you the best.
That would be the black sees oil breaking down the fibroids….
Please can you reply Dina and Sharon so we could all benefit? They said after they started taking black seed oil, when their periods came, it was thick and with clots. Is that good? Is that how it’s supposed to be? I have some bso I want to start using. Please reply soon. Thanks.
Hi dear,
Taking black seed oil helps a lot with inducing periods and regulating them. Personally, I haven’t experienced *thick* periods per say but clots are normal. If you are experiencing painful & heavy periods then you may be concerned and consult with your doctor. Hope this helps! <3
DOc can I use bso for wound dressing or especially vascular wound or poor venous return
Hi dear,
Please note that I am not a doctor. It’s best to consult your doctor about using bso for wound dressing. Thanks!
I enjoy ur response on this forum
I am Just about to start using bso… For shrinking fibroids… Thank you guys for all your comments… I will try and give a feedback as soon as i begin to see changes.
We can’t wait to read your feedback! Good luck!
Hi Prisca
Can u see the difference. Did ur fibroids shrinking?
Pls should I buy d already make oil or I should prepare it myself to get d oil?
Hello dear,
Buy the already made oil. It’s much easier to purchase pure organic cold pressed black seed oil or the capsules 🙂
I have been taking black seed oil but not regularly, I plan to get back on it to help with shrinking this fibroid. I have confidence it will work, I had an ingrown cyst or something growing under my armpit for weeks it got bigger and more painful. Then the Holy Spirit reminded me of my BSO, I used it and that same night it burst and dried up.
Now I take it with water which isn’t bad. I hope u find this helpful. I’m trusting God for my healing. #girlsrock
Did anyone have an ultrasound to confirm that their uterine fibroids shrunk? I just got started on the Black cumin seed oil.
Yes, mine did.
Has anyone got positive results of shrinking their fibroid?
I have fibroid I want shrink it naturally i have started taking black seed oil and honey
Hello Agnes,
All the best to you! It is sure to work so stay tuned!
I was having a very serious problem with fibroids in my late 40s to early 50s. During my periods I would cramp and flood. I soaked many pads during the course of a day. Black seed oil healed my uterus!! I took it in liquid form initially and found it to be quite bitter. Eventually, I found it in capsule form. Prior to using it my ob/gyn was preparing to send me for a dnc to remove tissue from inside my uterus. I continue to take black seed oil to this day in order to boost my overall health. I’m now 63.
Hello Pam,
What an amazing story! Thanks for sharing! I’m so glad you got rid of the fibroid using black seed oil and are now healed! Much love and stay blessed <3 🙂
Hi Pam,
Thanks for sharing, im also facing severe menstrual cramps due to uterine fibroid and gynecologist referred me for surgery. What is you dosage and how often your taking.
many thanks
Hi Pam, Could you please give more details? Like: How big was your fibroid? After how long was gone? Did you take one capsule a day?
Thank you,
Please is it working
That would be the black sees oil breaking down the fibroids…. Yes it works!!!!!
Hi, i just read about black seed oil and how it works. I just bought a bottle to start taking so as to conceive. I pray its works.
I have problem conceiving , i want to really conceive, i just started taking black seed oil 1teaspoon followed by milk, i really pray its work.
Hi, I wonder if you could offer some advice. I have a very large fibroid about the size of a 6 month pregnancy. I have recently started taking black seed oil a week ago, shortly after i got my period which lasted longer than normal then stopped but whenever I take black seed oil I start bleeding a little and when i stop taking black seed oil the bleeding stops. Could this be the healing effects of black seed oil? Could the bleeding be because the black seed oil is trying to shrink/ melt the fibroid? I don’t think that the bleeding is periods, I have a feeling that its the fibroid melting away.
Could you let me know what you think? Is this how black seed oil shrinks the fibroid ?
Please reply
I am presently experiencing the same symptoms, I just bleed some mins and stops. Then i notice some blackish clot like stuff too.
I’m going to take bso capsules by Aliksir. Would that work for my uterine myoma? What amount do I need to take daily and how long. Please answer my query. Thank you .
I have used bso and i am experiencing a change in the size of my fibriods, meaning they are shrinking. But as they shrink, there is also some foul discharge that is expelled. How do you deal with that naturally other than keeping hygiene?
Can bso be taken directly in the vagina for fibroids for faster results? Is it safe to do that? Asking for my girlfriend.
Can you take black seed oil with water?
Can you take black seed oil with water daily?
“Black seed oil contains phytoestrogens. Phytoestrogens are plant chemicals that mimic the hormone estrogen. Fibroids are dependent on estrogen and progesterone to grow. So phyteoestrogens help prevent native estrogens in the body from causing overgrowth of fibroids by occupying estrogen receptors.”
I’ve been avoiding flaxseed for years bc it’s a phytoestrogen and caused my fibroid to grow. Do you have any more info on this?
Can I just rub BSO on my stomach in get the same results to shrink fibroids?if so how long can I leave BSO on my stomach?
Can someone use black seed oil for fibroid while pregnant.
I started using black seed oil capsules to shrink my fibroid and I am confident it is working. I am having brown discharge and a bit soreness on top of my stomach at times. The fibroids started moving and trimmering in my abdomen at night especially, but I will continue using bso. I believe Jesus for my healing. 🙏🏾
Is the Black seed Oil/Powder to be taken twice or once daily?
I also want to know when to stop the black seed as taking it seems to prolong the flow and cause large blood clots.
Are u taking the powder or oil? Any progress yet on the fibriods?
I am presently experiencing the same symptoms, I just bleed some mins and stops. Then i notice some blackish clot like stuff too.
I believe bso shouldn’t be taken during your period and I’m currently taking it in other to conceive
Can I take black seeds instead of oil