Please use these natural remedies for keratosis pilaris – they actually work!

What is Keratosis Pilaris?
Keratosis pilaris sounds like something scary, doesn’t it? But it’s not a deadly disease – it’s an annoying skin condition which causes red, white and/or skin colored bumps to form on the skin, especially the upper arms. It can also affect the legs, thighs, buttocks and even the face, for some people.
So many people suffer from keratosis pilaris – I did too, and boy did it affect my self-esteem. I felt really self-conscious of these weird bumps and like many people with the condition, tried to hide my arms in long sleeved clothing. But enough with the negativity! Today, I can wear short sleeves without a problem because of using natural remedies and proper dietary habits. That’s right – with the right remedies, you can become bump-free sooner than you think.
10 Natural Remedies for Keratosis Pilaris
Here are some of the best natural remedies for keratosis pilaris that actually work:
1. Exfoliate, Exfoliate, Exfoliate
If there’s one thing you can do for your keratosis pilaris, it is: try to exfoliate them regularly. By regularly, I mean about 3-4 times a week to remove the dead cells on the surface, soften the bumps and make your skin feel smooth again. How to exfoliate? Go ahead and get this Deep Exfoliating Mitt Body Scrub Mitten because I’m telling you, it will smooth out your bumps and you will be shocked!
2. Sugar Scrubs Save Lives!
Sugar scrubs are a life saver when it comes to smoothening out keratosis pilaris bumps. You can make your own scrub using a dry ingredient that is granulated sugar and a wet ingredient, usually a liquid oil such as almond oil or olive oil.
What you’re going to do is mix these together so that you form a sugar scrub consistency – not too dry and not too wet. You can then add a few drops of essential oils good for keratosis pilaris. Mix well and store in the shower. To use, wet your skin then scoop the scrub using a spoon and gently scrub your affected areas. Rinse off well then soap your body as usual.
3. Tone with Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple cider vinegar (buy here) is a great remedy for keratosis pilaris because it helps soften up the rough skin, kill of bacteria and exfoliate dead cells due to its acidic content.
You will need to dab apple cider vinegar using a cotton ball onto the affected areas, leave it to dry for about 10 minutes then rinse off and moisturize.
4. Use these Essential Oils
Do you know about essential oils? I’m sure you’ve heard of these amazing healing substances. Essential oils are concentrated liquid extracts from aromatic parts of plants. They have therapeutic properties and can help soothe inflammation, itching as well as soften skin & get rid of scarring.
The best essential oils for keratosis pilaris are tea tree essential oil & lavender essential oil. Add a few drops of either lavender or tea tree essential oil to your body wash, mix it in your sugar scrub, blend it in your moisturizer or mix it with a product such as coconut oil or aloe vera gel and apply. Remember, add 2 drops of essential oil for every 1 tsp of product.
5. Drink More Water
Yes! When you have any skin condition, you have no idea how drinking more water can help! Drinking enough water makes your skin moisturized, supple, soft and smooth automatically. Aim to drink at least 8 glasses of water a day. This good habit also helps flush out toxins and harmful wastes that make your skin texture and complexion rough and dull.
6. Make this Soothing Oatmeal Mask
Oatmeal is one of the most soothing substances for irritated, inflamed, itchy and rough skin. It works like a charm for keratosis pilaris. Oatmeal is effective because it contains saponins that are natural cleansing agents. These same ingredients soothe and calm skin as well.
Throw two handfuls of colloidal oatmeal into a warm bath, stir well and soak in for 15 minutes. It really helps. You can also mix oats with water to create a paste and apply it on your affected areas. Rinse off after 10 minutes and watch your skin feel and look much better!
7. Tweak Your Diet
Cutting out certain foods from your diet really helps many people who suffer from keratosis pilaris. Here’s an article on this website that shows a list of foods to avoid with keratosis pilaris.
Add more antioxidant-rich foods such as leafy greens, red & orange colored fruits and veggies as well as healthy fats such as coconut oil & avocado. And of course, as discussed above, also make sure to drink more water throughout the day!
8. Gotta Try Alpha Hydroxy Acids
Alpha hydroxy acids (AHAs) such as glycolic acid, salicylic acid, citric acid and lactic acid are great exfoliators! You can find them in natural ingredients such as lemons, brown sugar, yogurt, etc. You must try this
If you have no time to make your own sugar scrub with natural ingredients grab scrubs or moisturizers containing about 10% alpha hydroxy acids and apply them instead. You must try this Keratosis Pilaris Exfoliating Treatment with 12% Glycolic Acid and 2% Salicylic Acid. It works like a miracle!
9. The Coconut Oil Cure
There’s much anecdotal evidence that shows coconut oil, when taken internally and applied on the skin, cures keratosis pilaris! Coconut oil (buy here) can help break up keratin which causes clogged pores – leading to bumps and ingrown follicles that make up keratosis pilaris.
You can use coconut oil as a wonderful moisturizer on the dry KP bumps.
10. Soothe it with Aloe!
Aloe vera is another miracle product when it comes to helping dry, itchy, red and inflamed keratosis pilaris.
You can apply aloe vera gel (buy here) directly on your keratosis pilaris to get rid of redness, itchiness or inflammation. It has a nice cooling sensation too, which helps take your mind off of those bumps for a while!
11. Bonus: Take KP-Busting Supplements!
Here’s a bonus natural remedy for keratosis pilaris that you must start on: taking natural supplements! Did you know that Vitamin A deficiency actually causes and worsens keratosis in some people? Yes, and there are other nutrients you need in your system to keep KP at bay! Please read my article on 5 Best Supplements that Treat Keratosis Pilaris.

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