Eat these top 10 slimming superfoods for weight loss to tap into your body’s metabolic system, trim unwanted fat loss and ensure a consistently healthy weight.
Are you stuck with stubborn fat deposits that don’t seem to budge? Or a sweet tooth that never seems to be satiated? You might even have difficulty shedding those last few pounds of unwanted weight.
All these common barriers to weight loss goals can be resolved if you consider cutting back calories and introducing these top 10 superfoods for weight loss.
These superfoods are not only nutrient-dense but they also contain filling fiber,
List of 10 Superfoods for Weight Loss

1. Chia Seeds
These tiny seeds have become a popular superfood over the years. They are packed with antioxidants, omega 3 fatty acids, calcium and lots and lots of fiber.
The soluble fiber and essential fats in chia seeds keeps you fuller for longer, which makes it easier for you to stave off cravings.
Stir 1 tablespoon of chia seeds in a glass of water and soak it for 15 minutes. When you feel like hitting the snacks cupboard, drink this chia seed water and voila! You’ll be hydrated and your stomach will have a feeling of fullness to keep satiated until the real meal time.
You can also make things interesting by adding chia seeds to your juices, smoothies, breakfast oatmeal, chia seed pudding or overnight oats!
2. Matcha
Matcha, also known as green tea powder, has high levels of antioxidants called catechins. A study published in the Journal of Obesity (2009) revealed that taking two cups of catechin-rich green tea every day for 3 months lead to a decrease of 2 cm around the waist!
This study also noted that there was also a decrease in abdominal fat, total body fat, body fat percentage and body weight.
The themogenic effects of catechins plus caffeine in matcha means that it can improve the rate at which our body burns stored fat without losing lean muscle, according to Pysiology & Behaviour, 2010).
Matcha also boosts metabolism, balances blood sugar and reduces hunger, all of which aid in faster weight loss.
MATCHA DNA Certified Organic Matcha Green Tea Powder (16 oz TIN CAN)
3. Chlorella
Guess what? Chlorella is one of the best superfoods for weight loss especially those who are on a flat tummy quest. It is a nutrient-dense green algae plant that grows in freshwater.
The main specialty of chlorella for weight loss is that it helps rebalance gut bacteria which helps reduce fluid retention and prevent irritation in the gut.
Research shows that improving gut health is one of the key kick-starters of weight loss and helping maintain that weight loss.
Aside from boosting gut health, chlorella is also known for its powerful detoxification properties.
It is a superfood for ridding the body of all the gunk and toxins that come from processed foods, the environment, beauty products and more.
How chlorella does this is by grabbing onto these heavy metals and wastes and flushing them out of the system through the body’s elimination sites.
Detox and weight loss go hand in hand to create a healthy body so that’s why chlorella is a must-have ingredient in your weight loss diet.
Anthony’s Organic Chlorella Powder, 8 oz, Non GMO, Gluten Free, Broken Cell Wall
4. Flaxseeds
I don’t know if you’ve heard this before, but flaxseeds are believed to help you jumpstart weight loss.
There are many ways these tiny brown or golden seeds aid in weight loss.
For one, they are packed with fiber. Eating high-fiber foods helps you feel full for longer. This helps you suppress food cravings when you’re trying to cut down calories for weight loss.
Fiber is also good for moving digested food through the intestines and promoting bowel movements that help reduce bloat and fluid retention, preventing the appearance of a big bloated stomach.
It also helps stabilize blood sugar which plays a very instrumental role in helping you reach and maintain a healthy weight.
This study shows that a major component in flaxseeds called lignans, may reduce blood pressure and facilitate weight loss.
One tablespoon of ground flaxseeds can be added to a weight loss smoothie and taken at breakfast every day.
5. Goji Berries
Move over blueberries and strawberries! Welcome the new berries in town – goji berries.
These dried red berries are one of the best superfoods for weight loss because of their unique nutritional composition which helps promote the burning of fat and the production of lean muscle.
Goji berries also have a low glycemic index, which means eating them does not spike your blood sugar, and therefore will not fuel your cravings for high carb and sugary foods towards the end of the day.
Another amazing weight loss benefit of goji berries is that they contain many beneficial nutrients including thiamine and calcium, both of which support your body in converting food into energy rather than storing it as fat for future use.
Certain amino acids in goji berries, coupled with potassium encourage the body to produce more growth hormone which is needed for the production of lean muscle mass.
Having a higher lean muscle mass means the body needs to use more energy to sustain it, which in turn means more calories to be burnt daily to acquire that energy!
Last but not least, goji berries will help you be satisfied for longer because they contain 21% fiber in weight and also, 5 tablespoons of goji berries contain 4 grams of protein. Both fiber and protein combined make them a filling snack food to keep you full until the next meal.
Navitas Organics Goji Berries, 16 oz. Bag, 15 Servings — Organic, Non-GMO, Sun-Dried, Sulfite-Free
6. Wheat Grass
Wheatgrass contains a lot of chlorophyll that aids in rapid weight loss by reducing waist circumference.
Chlorophyll has been shown to aid digestion and eliminate toxins from the body. This is important when losing weight as fat cells store old toxins!
Superfood wheatgrass is also loaded with fiber that keeps you full for longer and curb a large appetite.
This fabulous fiber also melts belly fat by keeping your bowels moving regularly. This helps reduce bloating and fluid retention.
That’s not all – wheatgrass reduces acid reflux, increases satiety, alkalizes the body and promotes clear skin!
Take wheatgrass powder in form of a smoothie or in water 30 minutes to one hour before meals to benefit from its weight loss properties.
7. Ginger
When taken with meals or up to one hour before eating, ginger is a weight loss superstar!
It has been shown to increase the body’s sensitivity to insulin which is an effective way to reduce the body’s signals to store fat, especially around the waist.
There are several studies showing that ginger leads to significant losses in body eight and waist circumference including this 2020 study and this 2019 study among others.
Take a hot cup of ginger tea before, during or after your main meal to see results.
8. Hemp Seeds
Another one of the best superfoods for weight loss is hemp seeds.
Hemp seeds are fiber-rich and they are also a natural appetite suppressant. They can reduce hunger cravings and help you feel fuller for long periods of time.
A protein-filled superfood, hemp seeds contain nine essential amino acids. This is great for keeping you satiated for longer and also building muscle mass which helps burn more calories and reduce excess fat.
Hemp seeds are rich in essential fatty acids such as alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), which is an omega-3. These healthy fats not only nourish your body but they also satisfy you, keeping you sustained at least until the next meal.
You can sprinkle hemp seeds to meals or salads, add 1-3 tablespoons of hemp seeds into a smoothie or make hemp milk to benefit from its weight loss abilities!
9. Spirulina
Taking spirulina before breakfast, lunch of dinner can completely change the way your body processes food! This can kickstart the loss of stubborn unwanted weight.
Spirulina increases insulin sensitivity which means it helps gain energy from food more efficiently and store less as fat.
Another benefit of superfood spirulina for weight loss is that it prevents over-eating.
It is rich in highly absorbable protein to hep you feel satiated at meals and keep your stomach feeling full so you don’t have to snack before the next main meal!
A half to one teaspoon of spirulina can be added to smoothies or mixed in warm water containing honey and apple cider vinegar.
10. Acai Berry
Last but not least in this list of top 10 slimming superfoods for weight loss is acai berry!
Acai is a superfood berry from Brazil that is filled with antioxidants called polyphenols.
Polyphenols are not only beneficial to our cardiovascular system, skin, anti-aging and brain health. They also balance gut bacteria!
Studies show that polyphenols can cause a significant increase in certain gut bacteria, such as Bacteroidetes, bifidobacterial and lactobacillus bacteria, that are associated with weight loss and reducing fat deposits.
What makes acai an effective source of polyphenols is because acai contains almost 50% of healthy fats (such as omega 3,6 % 9) by weight. Polyphenols are absorbed into the body most efficiently in the presence of these dietary fats.
Another reason why acai is a superfood for weight loss is because it is naturally low in sugar!
Thank you for reading this article, ‘Top 10 Slimming Superfoods for Weight Loss.’ Include the above superfoods in your diet, cut down calories, workout daily, drink a lot of water and what do you know? You’ll be sporting a new fit bod in no time!
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