Are you looking for effective natural remedies for fibroids? Look no further than the ones listed below!
Top 7 Natural Remedies for Fibroids

1. Black Seed Oil
Black seed oil takes the trophy when it comes to the top natural remedies for fibroids. It contains powerful anti-inflammatory & antitumor properties that help heal fibroids and inhibit growth of new fibroids. [Must Read: How to Use Black Seed Oil to Shrink Fibroids]
Take 1 tsp of blackseed oil followed by a glass of orange juice or milk every day after food.
2. Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple cider vinegar is one of the cure-alls that help improve female reproductive health. When you have fibroids, get your hands on apple cider vinegar – it’s good for helping reduce unwanted weight gain which improves weight-related problems such as fibroids.
Apple cider vinegar also detoxifies the body and reduces acidity in the body. Acidity is one of the major causes of illnesses including reproductive issues like fibroids.
Every morning 30 mins before breakfast, take a warm glass of water (8oz) with 1 tsp of apple cider vinegar, 1 tsp raw honey and ½ tsp ground cinnamon. Make sure to use organic apple cider vinegar with the ‘mother’ and avoid synthetic versions.
3. Eat Antioxidant-Rich Foods
When you have fibroids or a history of fibroids, you must change your diet to include antioxidant-rich nutritious food. Consume dark leafy greens, cruciferous vegetables, foods rich in iron and foods rich in omega 3 fatty acids like wild salmon, chia seeds & pumpkin seeds. [Must Read: 9 Best Foods to Shrink Fibroids Fast]
Also increase your water intake! Drink up to 8 glasses of water a day to keep your body’s internal pH balanced and decrease inflammation.
Limit foods containing high amounts of sugar and saturated fat. Also avoid read meat and processed foods because they contain artificial preservatives that increase inflammation in the body. They also have added estrogen that worsen fibroids and lead to their growth. [Must Read: 7 Worst Foods to Avoid if you Have Fibroids]
4. Exercise Frequently
Fibroids usually develop in women who are overweight. That’s why regular exercise is normally recommended by doctors when you have fibroids, ovarian cysts or PCOS. Get a workout routine and stick by it so that you can get rid of unwanted weight. Also, try to curb food cravings and unnecessary snacking as well to keep your weight in check.
You can start by taking walking in the park, skipping, brisk walking on the treadmill and doing aerobics. Focus on moving your body so you can get fit, lose excess fat and keep your body healthy.
5. Use a Castor Oil Pack
Castor oil is another miracle remedy for fibroids. It has discutient properties that helps treat unwanted growths of tumors in the body including polyps, cysts and fibroids. Use a castor oil pack on your abdomen (above the uterus) to help reduce fibroids.
To make a castor oil pack, soak a cotton or wool flannel in castor oil till saturated. Now place it on your bare abdomen above the uterus area and tie it securely behind. Lie down and place a heating pad or hot water bottle on top to help the oil penetrate deeper. You can leave it for an hour or even overnight (take care: do not use the heating pad all night).
6. Healing Herbs
Certain herbs can help treat fibroids naturally due to their medicinal properties. Some of the herbs good for fibroids include: chasteberry, milk thistle, dandelion root, nettle and red raspberry. These herbs help balance hormones such as excess estrogen which causes fibroids. They also decrease inflammation in the reproductive system. [Must Read: 7 Best Herbs to Shrink Fibroids]
You can take these herbs in form of supplements or capsules and also as herbal teas.
7. Try Essential Oils
Essential oils are concentrated liquid extracts of aromatic plants. They have therapeutic properties that can help reduce tumors, decrease pain, balance hormones, uplift your mood and reduce inflammation. Some of the best essential oils for fibroids include: clary sage, geranium and frankincense.
You can massage a blend of 2 tsp of almond oil, 2 drops of frankincense oil, 2 drops of clary sage oil and 2 drops geranium oil above your uterus every day.

Do you have any other natural remedies for fibroids that have worked for you? Share below so we can benefit! Thank you!
“Fibroids usually develop in women who are overweight. That’s why regular exercise is normally recommended by doctors when you have fibroids, ovarian cysts or PCOS. ”
Those I personally know who have suffered badly from fibroids have all been on the slimmer side. I myself am considered underweight, if you go be my bmi. As for the exercise – depending on what type of fibroid, they may just find themselves spotting / bleeding after exercise, and suffering a great deal more pain. That’s how I was.
The only thing that helped me was black seed oil and sea moss. I can’t say which is the true winner as I started them both at the same time, but I had a scan this week and my fibroids have shrunk dramatically and are causing a lot less pain and issues now. I highly recommend black seed oil and sea moss. (I’ve also noticed a big improvement in my mood!)